Chairman’s Statement

Corporate Governance Code

Following the celebration of our recent 5th Birthday, Breeze Corporate Finance Limited (“Breeze”) has very quickly established itself in becoming one of the leading Corporate Finance boutiques in the Midlands, as evidenced by:

  • Cumulative deal value delivered already exceeds £500m and with our currently engaged assignments we expect to push ahead significantly.
  • Over recent years, winners of awards across various categories at both the Midlands and East Midlands Dealmakers Awards.   
  • Continued investment in our facilities and resources, with headcount growing from 3 to 15; and,
  • As mentioned, we have a perpetually strong pipeline of new assignments, which allows us over 12 months of deal foresight.

The Board of Breeze is fully committed to maintaining effective corporate governance focussed on prioritising the promotion of a strong corporate culture, the delivery of a consistent strategy for growth and the management of risk.

The Directors are in the process of adopting the 10 principles of the Quoted Companies Alliance code for Corporate Governance, utilising its framework as a benchmark for Breeze’s structures and processes, enhanced by our ethics and values.

We believe firmly that an engaged Board will facilitate the strong governance of our business and it falls to me as Chairman to set the tone in ensuring that the links between our Board and Senior Team and our Board, shareholders and stakeholders are clear, effective and efficient.

Breeze has been able to create and implement its own corporate culture “from scratch” without the constraints of archaic and restrictive practices – our clients know we place a very real emphasis on integrity, strong business ethics and quietly delivering the very best advice and the very best results. We understand our clients’ desire for confidentiality and complete discretion is of paramount importance to us.

Whilst the following is by no means an exclusive summary, I see the tactical application of the areas outlined below as being key priorities for the ongoing development of our business :-

  • The delivery of world class results for our clients, supported by an ongoing investment in the recruitment of a team of highly experienced Lead Advisors and high calibre support staff to facilitate the expansion of our offering and services for our clients and stakeholders;
  • The continuing implementation of a strategically dynamic business model focussed on delivering infinite and sustainable value for shareholders and staff;
  • Continued development of our alliances with local and regional accountancy practices who, along with satisfied clients, law firms and IFA’s, have proven to be a strong source of new work for the Company;
  • Maintaining the Board as a balanced, well-functioning team, ensuring they possess the required skills, capabilities and real time experience essential for our growth;
  • Continuing a corporate culture founded upon clear values of integrity, resilience and confidentiality, beginning with the way in which we recruit new people to our business; and,
  • Embedding effective Risk Management, led by the Board in their responsibilities of identifying, assessing and implementing transparent control systems

The Board of Breeze understand that it is the responsibility of each member, individually and collectively, to lead and drive clear expectations around our business culture, ethics and standards which are at the core of what we do and how we maintain our competitive advantage.

Teamwork, inter-dependence and commitment are recognised as being central to the success of our strategy, as we strive to build an infinite business. We will, of course, continue to review our approach to governance – the views of our stakeholders will be pivotal in this as we undertake our regular business reviews.

I am incredibly proud to be part of the Breeze story and look forward to many more years of success for our team and stakeholders, but most of all for our highly valued clients.

Tim Clarke


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